Category Archives: Fun

LA Art Book Fair

We are thrilled to be heading to the LA Art Book Fair next week. Our table will feature a few new releases: Solar Recordings by Bart Urbanski, Handbook by Aishwarya Arumbakkam, and Shadow Shape by Abby Banks. Plus zines by Bob George, Sarah LaPonte, Helen Jones and plenty of Incandescents! If you are in the area, please stop by and say hi. If not we will be updating our online shop with some fresh zines after the fair!


Hello friends, for many of you, the holiday season is approaching. At this time, Pine Island Press is still between homes and unable to run our online shop. However, much of the Incandescent catalog is in stock and even on sale from our friends at the Antiquated Future distro, along with many other goodies. Check it out!


We are so excited to hold Issue Twenty, “Shadow Matter,” in our hands! Edited by Aishwarya Arumbakkam and Helen Jones, Issue Twenty features an introduction by Abby Flanagan, cover image by Elizabeth McGrady, and beautiful work by 17 artists—a complete list of contributors can be found here. Browse or buy in our shop at and stay warm out there, folks!

Issue Nineteen Call

Since we are still wrapping up up printing Issue Eighteen this month we have extended the call for Issue Nineteen. The last day to submit to Issue Nineteen will now be January 31st 2021. For more info check out our submissions page.


We feel that it is critical to state our solidarity, that BLACK LIVES MATTER, that brutality, racial profiling, and the murder of Black people by the police need to end now.


Breonna Taylor should have turned 27 last week, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbury, Tony McDade, and so many others should still be with us. As a white-run project, we recognize that we will never be able to adequately understand the pain and generational trauma the African American community has faced during the long and violent history of our country. However, we know it is our responsibility to educate ourselves and to take to the streets to demand change.


The history of photography all too often has excluded or exploited marginalized communities. We recognize that photography has been used as a tool of policing and think now, in an age of surveillance, it is important for us to think about the ways photography works to uplift and oppress us. Contemporary arts and culture have been shaped by unrecognized artists of color and it is all of our work as artists and consumers to see, support, and celebrate the historical and contemporary artists and their crucial work. 


Some steps we will be taking are:

-Donating sales of back issues to the National Bail Out Fund for the month of June.

-Working to make our submission process more accessible and welcoming to BIPOC photographers.

-Donating zines to prisons, youth programs, and libraries.

-Working to publish ongoing fundraisers for racial justice organizations. 


As always, Incandescent is a passion project and is priced to be as accessible as possible and never requires submission fees.  We look forward to seeing how this moment in the movement for black lives impacts the future of photography. 

Submissions for issue 18 are open until June 30!


It has been a strange and sad last few months, and it was slow going getting this one out but, Incandescent Issue Seventeen finally is here! Featuring gorgeous work by 14 photographers working with color analog film. We are delighted to have put it into print for you to peruse and ponder.  Issue Seventeen was edited by Marissa Csanyi and Helen Jones and includes a timely and thoughtful introduction by Tasha Bjelić. The cover photo is by J Houston from their series “Tuck + Roll.” To purchase a copy head over to our website and as always keep an eye out on Instagram for updates on Incandescent and Pine Island Press. Stay safe!



We hope everyone is staying well in this challenging time. Progress on Issue Seventeen is moving along slowly, but we wanted to take a moment to share a preview of the upcoming cover featuring an image by J Houston from their series ‘Tuck and Roll’.  Keep an eye out for further updates, and please stay home and stay safe folks.


Issue Sixteen Update

We’re hard at work on Issue sixteen and its going to be a good one. We thought we’d share a list of the contributing photographers. Keep a look out for a sneak peak of the cover in the next couple days and the release of the issue before summer officially leaves us on the 23rd.
